Berlín es un lugar importante para la escritura latinoamericana, nuevo hogar de muchos autores y autoras latinoamericanes y escenario actual de su literatura. El festival celebra esta rica, diversa y dinámica escena y a sus protagonistas, con lecturas, performances, mesas redondas, talleres, investigaciones de archivo, rituales sonoros, paseos y una fiesta.
Libro Semáforos en verde • Editorial Buch:buch, Berlin. 2023
Semáforos en verde (Green traffic lights) is a compilation book of visual arts that brings together artists from different south american countries who currently live and work in Germany.
About the Photo Serie
This serie of photographs oppose the will of unknown streets artist of Berlin, precisely those who paint the subway cars and use them as a support. In this way, questioning the experience of the work by changing the viewer's point of view, therefore reflecting on the transformation of preconceived aesthetic ideas, graphic and chromatic decisions in relation to the support that contains them and the audience that is faced with them.
Book Publication • Ojos de Sol Editorial: Madrid, México DF, Leipzig, Berlin.
Soplo de vida (Breath of Life) is a Poetic Anthology of Animals. A beautiful project that I had the honor of illustrate that brings together the work of 28 Spanish-speaking poets, whose texts are accompanied by 28 drawings made with ink on paper.
Kumzitz • Jewish Culture Festival • Krakow, Poland (Live drawing sessions)
This project seeks to know and show the corners of Krakow from a very personal perspective. I draw individual souvenirs for the visitors of the festival, but from afar (Leipzig, Germany), while I talked about the story and connection with this particular place with a unknown collaborator. Live drawing on streaming sessions.
Illustrations for Trépano Magazine, Issue 3. Ojos de sol Editorial, Madrid, Spain.
This is an Intervention Festival - Live drawing - Berlin Kreuzberg
This participatory live drawing session reflects on our connection to the outside world in times of quarantine. Drawings are based on a photo and conversation with the visitor (who becomes a collaborator of the intervention) about the role of physical as well as virtual and symbolic (escape) windows during lockdown, and give the audience a souvenir of their experience during the COVID-19 outbreak.
Solo Exhibition - Kastanien Projektraum - Berlin
¿Cómo se da la mano? El ejercicio de tan simbólica e importante acción humana es el hilo conductor de esta exhibición. Es una muestra basada en el impulso y la propulsión de proyectos de distinta índole que convergen en una acción mutua. Dar una mano, ofrecer una mano o recibir una mano han sido acciones virtuosas que se han sucedido de manera natural entre iniciativas que se transformaron en complementarias.
Illustrations for Trépano Magazine, Issue 1. Ojos de sol Editorial, Madrid, Spain.
PoetryXCollage is a printed journal of artwork and writing which operates at the intersection of poetry and collage. We are interested in found poetry, blackout poetry, collage poems, haikus, centos, response collages, response poems, word scrambles, concrete poetry, scatter collage poems, and other poems and artwork that inhabit this world.
Each issue presents six movements of work by artists and curators. Page spreads are meant to be free zones of thinking where the contributor has chosen all elements of the layout: font, image place, composition, etc.
Analog collage made with books founded in the streets of Berlin. Work showed in Chilean Conexión Exhibition at GlogauAIR, Berlin.
Dissident: disagreeing especially with an established religious or political system, organization, or belief.
* Acrylic paint on wood, plastic elephants.
* Acrylic paint, ink on paper, wood and wall paste.
PoetryXCollage is a printed journal of artwork and writing which operates at the intersection of poetry and collage. We are interested in found poetry, blackout poetry, collage poems, haikus, centos, response collages, response poems, word scrambles, concrete poetry, scatter collage poems, and other poems and artwork that inhabit this world.
Each issue presents six movements of work by artists and curators. Page spreads are meant to be free zones of thinking where the contributor has chosen all elements of the layout: font, image place, composition, etc.